Whether you’re an individual leader looking for some support, or an Executive, wondering how to implement your sustainability strategy – our LABs are designed to provide the right level of support for you and your organisation.

Behaviour LAB services

We have three core offerings:

BehaviourLAB - ThirveLAB


Creating content and environments that allow individuals to thrive at work and deliver with impact.


Creating the framework and environments for collaboration and effectiveness to build high performing teams.

BehaviourLAB -EvolveLAB


Supporting organisations to evolve to achieve their potential and strategic goals.


Creating content and environments that allow individuals to thrive at work and deliver with impact.

Some examples of our ThriveLAB interventions:

If you’re looking for 1:1 support for yourself or for a cohort of leaders, we can provide small packages of coaching (3-5 sessions) or longer ongoing sessions.

We work with a range of qualified coaches, so we can match you and your team to the appropriate coach.

BehaviourLAB: ThriveLAB 121 coaching

When considering individual development, one of the most powerful investments can be psychometric profiling. In our experience, it can help even the most experienced leader understand strengths and development areas.

We work with psychometrics such as Myers Briggs (MBTI), Game Change Index, Insights, ASSESS and many others. This can be offered in isolation, or alongside coaching.

We have over 35 years of experience of designing and delivering bespoke leadership development programmes, as well as many years in Leadership positions. This means we’ve seen both sides of the coin, and can therefore design pragmatic, evidence-based programmes that meet the needs of leaders today.

These programmes can be delivered in modules, if there is a specific set of topics you would like to cover (such as; resilience and wellbeing, supporting remote teams, psychological safety, leading through change, plus many more).

Alternatively, if you have a Leadership Team that would benefit from support, we can design and deliver a leadership programme based around the team’s specific objectives.

BehaviourLAB was founded by two working mums, so we have experienced the challenges of returning to work after maternity leave, transitioning into senior leadership positions while balancing childcare, and the endless mum-guilt that comes with being a working mum.

We can provide advice, coaching or bespoke programmes to support your women to thrive in the workplace.

Click here to book a 30min consultation about any of our ThriveLAB Interventions


Creating the framework and environments for collaboration and effectiveness to build high performing teams.

Some examples of our CoLAB interventions:

Sometimes in teams, we struggle to get along because we all have different personalities, different preferences about how to communicate and different cultural drivers for geographically dispersed teams.

Team profiling can be an excellent way to appreciate each other’s differences, and give a common language to talk about preferences and styles of communication.

We work with Team Profiles such as Myers Briggs (MBTI), Game Change Index, Belbin, Insights and many others.

We can provide 1:1 Sessions with each team member to understand their own profile, as well as team workshops to look at the team profile, and learning how to get the best out of each other.

We draw on a range of models to provide a framework for team development, but one of our favourites is Lencioni’s theory of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. We believe this helps teams to build trust, resolve conflict, commit to the vision of the team, and create accountability and results.

We can run virtual or face to face workshops to help you become an effective team, build relationships and collaborate better.

A performing team really is greater than the sum of its parts.

Sometimes when different teams or organisations come together, our cultures and values can get in the way of true collaboration.

We can support your project or team to become ISO 44001 accredited through developing people skills and collaborative maturity, identifying capability, roles and responsibilities, and focusing on team behaviours and culture.

Click here to book a 30min consultation about any of our CoLAB Interventions


Supporting organisations to evolve to achieve their potential and strategic goals.

Some examples of our EvolveLAB interventions:


Many organisations are at a tipping point. Whether driven by climate change policy, customer preference, or a commitment to doing the right thing, businesses find themselves compelled to become more sustainable – environmentally, socially and economically. 

At BehaviourLAB, we approach change holistically, addressing the whole organisational system. This involves linking sustainability to strategic priorities, culture, business planning and funding, and extends to embedding the change within governance, capability, measurements, reporting, processes and policies. We do this alongside behaviour change to get people interested and involved.

BehaviourLAB: sustainability strategy review


As well as being the ethical thing to do, more organisations are seeing the business case for EDI initiatives – from higher profitability, higher engagement to better talent attraction and reduced turnover.

At BehaviourLAB, we can share our experience of leading and implementing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion agendas, and support you to create multiple level interventions for your organisation that will help you achieve shareholder, leadership and employee commitment to your EDI strategy and goals.

The dramatic shift in working patterns following the COVID19 pandemic, has left many organisations in a state of uncertainty around working patterns and productivity. While most organisations recognise the shift has created more flexibility for employees, and therefore better well-being and work-life balance, concerns about maintaining a strong company culture and fostering collaboration in a hybrid world are common concerns among Executives.

At BehaviourLAB, we’re looking beyond the role of policies and number of days in the office, to considering the role of social cohesion in hybrid teams, and how we can create the water-cooler moments for innovation.

Sometimes you know something isn’t working quite as it should be, whether it is a challenge around financial performance, a compliance breach or low employee engagement. We use Systems Leadership Theory to carry out a Systems, Symbols and Behaviour Audit to identify where you should focus your efforts and investment. 

Changing organisations can be an emotive experience, and we believe simply moving boxes around on diagrams can do more damage to an organisation than good.

Taking a deeper, more considered approach, that is linked to your business strategy, is more likely to have a positive, lasting impact and deliver the business outcomes you seek. 

Our approach looks at the operating model, and how it will be implemented, through four different lenses;

  • What needs to be done at the organisational level,
  • How to support leaders to lead the change,
  • Helping team leaders / managers to functionally deliver changes, and
  • Consider what needs to happen at the individual level. 

When a client embarks on organisation design, the ambitions are generally more than to shuffle the deck chairs, and yet sadly, this is often the result.

Our approach looks at how the organisation is working both formally and informally, through the hierarchy and formal mechanisms, like governance, but also through the informal social systems that inevitably arise in any human system.

Click here to book a 30min consultation about any of our EvolveLAB Interventions

Client testimonials.

We held a facilitated workshop designed by Samantha prior to embarking on designing a new operational model for Hydrock. Samantha’s depth of experience together with her grounded approach were invaluable in helping us clarify and map the key stages and challenges we needed to consider.
John McElwee
Executive Director, Hydrock
My confidence had dropped to a very low point and I was looking at ways to leave rather than addressing the issues at the heart of the matter. I was able to talk with Laura confidentially and our conversations were a safe space for me to address the challenges I was facing. Over the course of three months she helped me improve my mental wellbeing, change my perspective on situations so that I can react in a better manner and helped me solidify my role within the team. My confidence has significantly improved and the relationships I hold within the team have become more effective. I am now feeling that there is a future for me within the team and that I now have a plan in place for if things go wrong again. Laura's expertise and dynamic way of working have helped me to become settled and confident in my role.
Confidential Coaching Client